As I intend to blog about my small suburban garden throughout the year, I felt that as part of the preparation I should actually take a peek out of the lounge window to see what the recent thaw has exposed.
Prior to the rather unwelcome snow, my garden had been neatly swept of all leaves and there were still a few geraniums and lobelias hanging on in there. The bird feeder had been topped up with seeds and pink and yellow primulas added some much needed colour to the far border.
For the past two weeks or more the entire area has been covered in a thick white blanket, but today the full horror was revealed. The bread I had been casting out for the birds remains uneaten, and even the seagulls swooping overhead are showing no interest in the thick white (albeit soggy) crusts. Half the contents of the bird feeder has been emptied onto the paving slabs below, although I can’t be sure if it was birds who scattered them or simply a result of the wind. The once bright and cheery geraniums and lobelias are decidedly limp and rotting, while the lavender and thyme (in terracotta pots) seem to have been the hardiest of all the plants, along with the jasmine which is clinging to the fence in defiance of the recent sub-zero temperatures.
It seems that I have very little choice other than to put on my thermals and make some sort of effort to rectify things asap…!
DECEMBER 28, 2010
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