My Small Suburban Garden

My Small Suburban Garden

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Lazy Days...

In our increasingly hectic and stressful lives, it’s al the more important to take the opportunity, when it arises, to simply enjoy a lazy late-summer / early-autumn day. This is exactly how I spent today; not weeding or pruning, not sweeping the paving slabs or painting the fence, but just sitting on a camping chair in the shade, watching the butterflies and bees flitting about on the remaining buddleia flowers.

The sky was the most amazing blue and I could still see the moon! The sun shone while the breeze gently blew some of the pink and white petals off the geraniums. The lobelias, disappointing this year, have long since gone but geraniums have seemed fairly tolerant of this unpredictable climate we currently all live in, with drought followed by floods and gloom followed by wall-to-wall burn-your-skin sunshine.

The chives were standing proud, showing off their flower heads but the white jasmine had failed to impress – all leaves and no flowers. Red Admirals remain in abundance as do Tortoiseshells, and Cabbage Whites have finally made an appearance.

Days like this are bitter-sweet. Idyllic to experience but tinged with the sadness that the nights are drawing in and winter looms on the horizon…

SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 

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