The sun is shining and all appears to be going according to plan in my Small Suburban Garden. The wildflower seeds I scattered in planters and borders a few weeks ago are beginning to grow (although they'd stand a better chance if the local cats would stop digging them up), and the polyanthus have decided to flower.
The wild cherry trees have blossomed and now it's time for the not-so-wild cherry to do the same. The magnolias have flowered, and now there's a ton of white petals to sweep off the paving slabs on a daily basis. The mint is thriving and I appear to have acquired a lemon balm (or at least, that's what it looks like at the moment).
I'd been collecting up random seedlings from around the garden and shoving them all in one planter, and now I have some white alyssum and some pink stocks. This is coming up to an exciting time in the garden and I can't wait to start seeing bees and butterflies returning. Hope it's soon...!
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