My Small Suburban Garden

My Small Suburban Garden

Friday, 27 March 2015

Magnificent Magnolia...

Well, one of the magnolias is in fine fettle while the other (smaller) one is lagging behind in the flowering department. There's also still some miniature daffodils along with some rather ragged looking yellow primulas and 3 pink hyacinths. It's good to finally see some flowers in the garden.

The wild cherry has begun to bud and I can see a few small leaves about to appear and the buddleia is beginning to grow again (although it's remained in leaf all winter).

The mint, rosemary and thyme have survived the winter, as predicted, and the recent rain has filled the water butt so I can keep the wildflower seeds I recently scattered in the borders and planters nice and damp. Fingers crossed that 2015 will see a good display of colour in my small suburban garden.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

The Sun Is Out, The Sky Is Blue...

...the garden's full of pussycat poo..... (Or it WAS until I removed it!)

It's very spring-like outdoors today and my small suburban garden is now looking tidier after I spent an hour shoving dead leaves and other garden litter into the compost bins (not the poo though!)

The mini daffodils (dwarf Narcissus 'Tête á Tête') are all out and are looking pretty and there's a few yellow primulas also in flower. The mint and rosemary are all starting to re-grow although the thyme is still looking a bit under the weather.

I've taken all of the geraniums from the planters and have put them into the front garden, and the planters are now full of Miracle Gro Wildflower Mix in the hope it'll give me a beautiful display throughout the spring, summer and even early autumn. Fingers crossed it'll attract the bees this year.