The humidity seems to have drained all the energy from the garden, as well as me. Sweat seems to pour from my skin simply by sitting still and the plants look quite sorry for themselves, despite copious amounts of expensive tap water applied daily.
I'd used a fair amount of Miracle Gro on the buddlias but even though there's more blooms than last summer they're still not attracting the quantity of butterflies and bees of previous years. While I've seen lots of peacocks, red admirals and tortoiseshells, as well as a few gatekeepers, I've only spotted one comma and one painted lady so far. Even whites are few and far between!
The chives are beginning to bud, and the mint I used to replace the dying lobelias in my wall planters seem to have taken ok, but my three bee hotels remain worryingly devoid of any guests this year. At least the new pink geraniums in the planters look reasonably healthy and the begonias are mostly starting to flower...